Minimising Energy in Construction

Our long-term vision is for the built environment to be designed cost-effectively, based on whole life cycle energy consumption using minimum material resource for appropriate performance. Our immediate ambition is to use feasibility studies to identify and address sources of wasted embodied energy, value-less cost, and performance over-design in the construction industry to transform sector wide design practice and define the research areas that will underpin this transformation.

This project is funded by the EPSRC, in grant EP/P033679/1, led by Dr John Orr.

A lecture, given by Dr Orr and Prof Wise, at the Institution of Structural Engineers is linked below:



Want to know more about embodied energy, material efficiency, structural utilisation? Click here for a set of "must read" papers that will get you going.


MEICON Report: Structural Engineering Practice

The MEICON team’s first report of this research, resulting from a survey of structural engineering practice completed in 2017, is available to download.


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